Bituminous products

Bituminous products

Product Definition and field of application Consumption Packaging


Multi-purpose bitumen emulsion used for waterproofing, bonding of insulating panels, insulation, protection of foundations and preparation of special paving.
Colours: Black, Grey, Green, Red, Slate
Waterproofing: 3.1 Kg per m²
Protection: 0.5 to 1.2 Kg per m²
Bonding: 0.6 to 1 Kg per m²
Vapour barrier: 2 to 3 Kg per m²
Pavement: 4.5 Kg per m²
215 Kg drums
30 Kg - 17 Kg casks
10 Kg - 5 Kg cans


Latex-enriched bitumen emulsion for direct application on unfinished pointed concrete blocks, waterproofing and protection of foundations, vapor barrier, bonding of insulating materials and industrial paving. Waterproofing : 3.1Kg per m²
Protection : 0.5 to 1.2 Kg per m²
Bonding : 0.6 to 1 Kg per m²
Vapour barrier : 2 to 3 Kg per m²
Pavement : 4.5 Kg per m²
215 Kg drums
30 Kg - 17 Kg casks
10 Kg - 5 Kg cans


Fiber-enriched bitumen emulsion. Used for soundproofing, thermal insulation and direct application for waterproofing. 0.7 to 3 Kg per m² 225 Kg drums
30 Kg - 10 Kg casks


Fiber and latex-enriched bitumen emulsion for application in thickness on supports that could crack, waterproofing, protection, insulation. 0.7 to 3 Kg per m2 225 Kg drums
30 Kg - 10 Kg casks


Semi-fluid bitumen emulsion, ready-to-use, for the protection of foundations and cold impregnation before the applying of rolls of waterproofing material. On average 0.2 to 0.3 Kg per m² 220 L drums
30 L casks
10 L cans



Mass waterproofing binder for the reinforced protection of foundations. To be mixed with coating : 2.5 L per 35 Kg bag of cement 220 L drums
30 L - 10 L casks


Fiber-enriched mass waterproofing binder for the reinforced protection of foundations. To be mixed with coating : 2.5 L per 35 Kg bag of cement 220 L drums
30 L - 10 L casks


Protective asphalt lacquer, ready-to-use, for the waterproofing of concrete, the protection of underground materials, wood and of metals from corrosion. Cold waterproofing lacquer for asphalt complexes and particularly for rolls of waterproofing material. 0.3 to 0.4 L per m² on average according to the porosity of the substrate 220 L drums
30 L casks
10 L - 5 L cans


EVERFAST SLURRY est un coulis bitumeux non toxique à base de liants modifiés.
EVERFAST SLURRY protège les enrobés bitumeux des sites a faible circulation lesquels se désagrègent beaucoup plus vite que les voies à forte circulation.
EVERFAST SLURRY protège les places de stationnement de la dégradation progressive en renforçant le scellement des minéraux sur le revêtement.
EVERFAST SLURRY retient la pénétration des hydrocarbures (huile, essence, gasoil). Il est quand même préconiser de nettoyer ceux-ci avec des absorbants ou notre EVERFAST FLOXY PA.
EVERFAST SLURRY protège des agressions des cycles gel-dégel et du gel.
EVERFAST SLURRY facilite le nettoyage (lavable au nettoyeur à haute pression).
EVERFAST SLURRY peut-être régénéré en repassant une couche après quelques années.


EVERFAST POROCID est un agent nettoyant algicide, fongicide et hydrofugeant Imperméabilisant invisible ayant offrant un traitements curatifs et préventifs contre les pollutions organiques algues, lichens et verdissures. EVERFAST POROCID est idéal pour traiter et imperméabiliser des surfaces en une seule opération.