Flexible Coatings

Flexible Coatings

Product Definition and field of application Consumption Packaging


Resin formulated for the making of flexible cement for the waterproofing of roofs, balconies, terraces, water tanks, silos, façades, walls, etc. Waterproofing under tiling, wet room, cellars, tanking. 0.5 Kg for 1 Kg of cement
1.5 Kg per m² per mixing coat
220 Kg drums
25 Kg jerrycans
5 Kg - 2.3 Kg cans


Flexible waterproofing system, waterproofing and tanking for cracked or microfissured supports or supports that could be slightly deformed. 1.5 Kg per m² per coat according to type of substrate 32 Kg - 16 Kg Kits (powder + resin)


Fiber-containing mortar with compensation for shrinkage, waterproof, quick setting, for making standard added micro-screeds, with slope form or in places with raking joints of 2 to 50 mm in one application. 1.9 Kg per m² per mm of thickness 25 Kg bags
12.5 Kg casks
6 Kg cans