Traitement de la pierre

Product Definition and field of application Consumption Packaging


Glass fiber fabric for reinforcement of waterproofing, heat insulation and reinforcement covering. Colour : White 1.1 m per m² on average Rolls
100 m x 100 cm
50 m x 100 cm


Polyester fiber netting used with LST, LSCRYL, LSTHANE, and LSTHANE TRAFIC for reinforcement of waterproofing. 1.1 m per m² on average Rolls
50 m x 100 cm, 50 m x 20 cm, 10 m x 100 cm, 50 cm, 40 cm or 30 cm
Rolls for Retail
10 m x 20 cm, 10 m x 10 cm


Nettoyant dégraissant pour façades, prêt à l'emploi. Nettoie et dégraisse les salissures et pollutions atmosphériques. S'utilise sur la plupart des supports sans les dégrader.


Nettoyant concentré désincrustant pour façades. Nettoyant et dégraissant des supports fortement encrassés des salissures et des pollutions atmosphériques. S'utilise sur la plupart des supports sans les dégrader.


Restructurant et traitement préventif prêt à l'emploi des plâtres humides. Supprime le poussiérage, la porosité et empêche les moisissures.
Couleur : incolore


Mass mineralizer for repair and renovation work for old structures: waterproofing,
restructuring, regeneration of stone and porous concrete, in-situ blocking of steel
oxidation processes by inhibition.
Restructuring and consolidation of stones: 300 - 500 g per m²
Shaft lining on concrete 300 - 400 g per m²
275 Kg drums
37.5 Kg casks
6.25 Kg - 2.5 Kg
1.25 Kg cans


EVERFAST POROSTONE est une solution aqueuse de complexe de silicates qui provoque après pénétration par capillarité et réaction chimique une imperméabilisation dans la masse des supports poreux ou légèrement fermés, le rendant insensible aux UV et aux intempéries. Il est spécialement formulé pour la rénovation. EVERFAST POROSTONE ne modifie pas l’aspect du matériau et lui apporte un effet perlant pendant 4 à 6 mois, protège contre les infiltrations d’eau et limite les effets du gel et ralentit les apparitions de végétaux sur le support du type mousses, algues, lichens…


Transparent water-repellent used to stop porosity of concrete, bricks, hydraulic plastics and stones. Allows for the application of paint. About 0.25 L per m² per coat according to the porosity of the substrate 220 L drums
30 L jerrycans
5 L - 2 L - 1 L cans


Hydrofuge de surface en phase aqueuse incolore prêt à l’emploi, destiné à imperméabiliser tous matériaux poreux : sols, murs, façades, bois et tuiles.


EVERFAST POROCID est un agent nettoyant algicide, fongicide et hydrofugeant Imperméabilisant invisible ayant offrant un traitements curatifs et préventifs contre les pollutions organiques algues, lichens et verdissures. EVERFAST POROCID est idéal pour traiter et imperméabiliser des surfaces en une seule opération.


Transparent silicon-based water-repellent. Stops porosity of usual building substrates. Allows for the application of paint. About 0.2 L per m² per coat according to the porosity of the substrate 220 L drums
30 L - 20 L jerrycans
5 L - 2 L - 1 L cans


Invisible water-repellent and oil-repellent surface protection offering an excellent anti-soiling and anti-adherence effect. Prevents the penetration of water and oils, facilitates the cleaning of surfaces and helps prevent aging. Ready-to-use for all porous construction supports : roof tiles, floor tiling, terracotta, brick, marble, non-enameled ceramics, Sand Stone, natural stone, concrete, plaster, interlocking paving stones, granite. Can be used inside and outside on vertical or horizontal supports. Variable according to the porosity of the substrate :
50 to 400 g per m²
marble 1 L = 20 m²
Block pavement : 1 L = 5 m²
220 L drums
30 L jerrycans
5 L - 2 L - 1 L cans



Restructurant et traitement préventif prêt
à l’emploi des plâtres humides. Supprime
le poussiérage, la porosité et empêche les
Couleur : Incolore.


Ready-to-use quick-setting thixotropic fibercontaining hydraulic mortar. Used for repairs, reshaping and resurfacing work. Can be used for repairs for applications of thickness of 1 to 50 mm. About 1.8 Kg per litre of volume to be filled or 1.8 Kg per m² and per mm of thickness 25 Kg bags
12.5 Kg pails
6 Kg cans


Ready-to-use hydraulic fiber-reinforced mortar. Used for repairs, relining and reshaping. For applications of thickness of up to 30 mm.
Colour: Grey
2 Kg per litre of volume to be filled or 2 Kg per m² and per mm of thickness 25 Kg bags
12.5 Kg pails
6 Kg cans


Single-component hydraulic fiber-containing water repellent mortar with compensation for shrinkage. Used for filling and for various repairs. Ready-to-use, for applications of thickness of 2 to 60 mm.
Colour: Grey
2 Kg per litre of volume to be filled or 2 Kg per m² and per mm of thickness 25 Kg bags
12.5 Kg pails
6 Kg cans


Single-component hydraulic fiber-containing water-repellent mortar with compensation for shrinkage. Quick-setting and hardening.Used for filling and for various repairs. Ready-to-use, for applications of thickness of 5 to 60 mm. Colour: Grey 2 Kg per litre of volume to be filled or 2 Kg per m² or mm of thickness 25 Kg bags
12.5 Kg pails
6 Kg cans


Hydraulic binder-based mortar, with compensation for shrinkage, for sealing and wedging mor tar. Free from chloride and metallic particles.
Colour: Grey
Plastic mortar: 1.95 Kg per litre of volume to be filled
Fluid mortar: 1.85 Kg per litre of volume to be filled
Micro-Concrete: 1.25 Kg per litre of volume to be filled
25 Kg bags
12.5 Kg pails
6 Kg cans


Quick-setting hydraulic binder-based mortar, with compensation for shrinkage, for sealing and wedging mortar. Free from chloride and metallic particles.
Colour: Grey
Plastic mortar: 1.95 Kg per litre of volume to be filled
Fluid mortar: 1.85 Kg per litre of volume to be filled
Micro-Concrete: 1.25 Kg per litre of volume to be filled
25 Kg bags
12.5 Kg pails
6 Kg cans


Quick-setting and hardening mortar, with compensation for shrinkage, for sealing and wedging. Can be applied as a trowelable paste or at a high fluidity. Can be applied inside or outside.
Colour: Grey
Plastic mortar: 1.95 Kg per litre of volume to be filled
Fluid mortar: 1.85 Kg per litre of volume to be filled
Micro-concrete: 1.25 Kg per litre of volume to be filled
25 Kg bags
12.5 Kg pails
6 Kg cans


Primer to be used prior to EPOXY MORTAR and in specific cases prior to
0.15 to 0.25 Kg per m² per coat 5 Kg - 0.5 Kg Kits (powder + resin)


Primer to be used prior to EPOXY MORTAR and in specific cases prior to EVERFAST MORTAR FB. 0.3 to 0.5 Kg m² according to the porosity of the substrate 5 Kg - 0.5 Kg Kits (powder + resin)


Bicomponent solvent-free epoxy mortar, with compensation for shrinkage and perfectly waterproof. Adheres to concrete and steel while protecting them from corrosion and other damages. Used for repairs, wedging, reshaping and embedding. 2 Kg per L according to the use 20 Kg - 5 Kg Kits (powder + resin)


Hydraulic binder-based coating, used for water proofing on inside and outside surfaces (pressure, back pressure) : swimming pools, water tanks, foundations, cellars, etc.
Colours: Grey, White
1.5 Kg per m² and per coat according to the aspect of the substrate 25 Kg bags
25 Kg pails
12.5 Kg cans


Quick dry hydraulic cement. It immediately stops water infiltration. Also used for moulding, setting, sealing, and for quick repairs.
Colour : Grey
2 Kg per litre depending on the volume to be blocked 25 Kg bags
5 Kg cans


Waterproof bicomponent plastic system. Achieves an impermeable coating with perfect adherence even on moist substrates such as fresh mortar or concrete. 1.5 Kg per m² per coat depending on the nature of the substrate 27 Kg - 13.5 Kg Kits (powder + resin)


Flexible waterproofing system, waterproofing and tanking for cracked or microfissured supports or supports that could be slightly deformed. 1.5 Kg per m² per coat according to type of substrate 32 Kg - 16 Kg Kits (powder + resin)


Expansive mortar serving as a non-explosive demolition agent. Application is particularly effective on cement, concrete (reinforced or not), retaining walls, earthworks, port and road works, tunnels, quarries (extraction of granite, marble, Sand Yellowstone, and all other mineral structures). Also used for demolition work where explosives are prohibited. 3 to 5 Kg per m² according to the hardness of the surface 5 Kg - 15 Kg pails
Dose: 2.5 Kg


Agent de nettoyage et de décapage concentré multi-usage très puissant. Agit directement sur les laques acryliques, glycéros, polyuréthanes, polyesters, époxy, vernis, lazures, antifouling.


Agent de nettoyage et de décapage multi-usage très puissant. Agit directement sur les laques acryliques, grycéros, polyuréthanes, polyesters, époxy, vernis, lazures, antifouling.


Solvent, acid stripper. Allows the elimination of concrete, mortar, rust, particularly on work site materials, which can be soaked or brushed-on with DCP depending on the degree of soiling. Not recommended for non-ferrous metals. 1 volume of DCP for 1 to 2 volumes of water 294 Kg drums
40 Kg jerrycans
7 Kg cans



Acid stripper and solvent used for the elimination of cement residue on ceramic floor tiles, for the removal of rust and dirt on work site tools. Not recommended for nonferrous metals. Leaves a layer of phosphate on treated metals. Pure or diluted 0.1 to 0.3 Kg per m² 250 Kg drums
34 Kg jerrycans
5.7 Kg - 2.25 Kg cans


Décapant des bétons, dissolvant, des laitances
de ciment et dégraissant de très haute
performance. Préserve les matériaux et la
sécurité des utilisateurs. Biodégradable.


Détartrant puissant destiné à désagréger les
traces de ciment et de chaux sur les carrelages,
grès, céramiques, façades de mortier et pierres
calcaires. Dissout la rouille avant remise en
peinture. Détartrage des chaudières, chauffe-eau,
radiateurs et des tuyauteries.


Quick acting solvent. Removes all traces of asphalt, bitumen, grease (even old stains). Used extensively in garages and building sites for the maintenance and cleansing of cars and other materials. Used on cemented substrates, in transport cisterns, fuel storage containers. By spraying
Pure or diluted with petroleum solvent up to 5 times its volume
By soaking 1 L = 100 CC
220 L drums
30 L casks
5 L - 2 L - 1 L - 0.5 L cans


Anti-rust treatment. Inhibits corrosion and has an immediate action. Can be applied inside or outside. Substrates can be painted when dry.
Colour : Black
15 to 20 m² per L 220 L drums
30 L jerrycans
5 L - 2 L - 1 L
0.5 L - 0.25 L cans


Ready-to-use emulsifying cleanser. Eliminates all oil marks on metal items. 0.1 to 0.25 L per m² according to degree of soiling 220 L drums
30 L jerrycans
5 L - 2 L - 1 L - 0.5 L cans


EVERFAST VERDISTOP est un liquide concentré puissant prêt à l’emploi, pulvérisable et aux propriétés fongicides et algicides, étudié pour la destruction des verdissures, des algues, des lichens et salissures diverses d'origine végétale sur les murs et les toitures par pulvérisation ou badigeonnage.
EVERFAST VERDISTOP est neutre, ne contient pas de solvants et n'a donc pas d'action néfaste sur les matériaux traditionnels du bâtiment : peinture, bois, métaux, béton, pierres, terres cuites, tuiles, ardoises, ciments, fibrociment, mortiers, plâtres, revêtements bitumineux, aluminium, pvc et zinc. Son action est simplement destructive à titre préventif et curatif et ne laisse ni trace ni pellicule.


Powerful liquid spray used as a treatment against fungi, lichen and algae. Can be sprayed on all substrates. About 0.2 L per m² 220 L drums
30 L jerrycans
5 L - 2 L cans
1 L sprays
Doses for 1 L


EVERFAST STOPFONGI CONCENTRE est un liquide concentré, pulvérisable et aux propriétés fongicides et algicides, étudié pour la destruction des mousses, des algues, des lichens et salissures diverses d'origine végétale sur les murs et les toitures. Il est neutre, ne contient pas de solvants et n'a donc pas d'action néfaste sur les matériaux traditionnels du bâtiment : peinture, bois, métaux, béton, pierres, terres cuites, tuiles, ardoises, ciments, fibrociment, mortiers, plâtres, revêtements bitumineux, aluminium et zinc. Son action est simplement destructive.


Neutral liquid detergent used for all cleaning purposes (glasses, floors, walls, linoleum, etc.). In compliance with the 27.10.75 decree relative to products close to foodstuff. More than 90% biodegradable. 6 to 12 g per L of water depending on the degree of soiling 220 L drums
30 L jerrycans
5 L - 2 L - 1L cans
Doses (Buckets of 58 doses)


Alkaline cleanser specially formulated for high-pressured cleaning machines. Removes oils and dirt from floors and walls. More than 90% biodegradable. To be diluted with water from 10 to 50 times its volume depending on the condition of the substrate
About 0.25 L per m²
240 Kg drums
33 Kg jerrycans
5.5 Kg - 2.2 Kg
1.1 Kg - 0.5 Kg cans


Acid cleaning agent used in the preparation of concrete, cement floors, prior to the application of EVERFAST FLOXY FIX and FLOXY. To be diluted with 15 to 25% water depending on the condition of the substrate
About 0.25 L per m²
220 L drums
30 L jerrycans
5 L - 2 L cans


Grease remover, extra-strong anti-static cleaner for plastic and PVC. Can be used to clean and redo surfaces covered by our product EVERFAST LSTHANE TRAFIC. To be diluted with 2 to 10% water depending on the degree of soiling. 1000 L tanks
220 L drums
30 L jerrycans
5 L - 2 L cans


Wall-paper remover. Particularly effective against reinforced wall-paper glues. Also used for removing several layers of paper 100 ml per 10 L of water for standard wall-papers
200 ml per 10 L of water for specific or thick wall-papers
220 Kg drums
30 Kg - 20 Kg - 10 Kg - 5 Kg jerrycans
2 Kg - 1 Kg - 0.5 Kg cans