

Product Definition and field of application Consumption Packaging


Wear-resistant colored coating. Anti-skid, antikerosene and antidust. Used on concrete, cement and bitumen. Treats sporting grounds, alleys, car parks, etc.
Colours: Black, Dark Green, Red Tennis, Green Tennis, White, Grey, Dark Blue, Light Blue, Brown, Ochre, Red Tile
0.4 to 0.6 Kg per m² depending on the nature and the condition of the substrate 250 Kg drums
36 Kg casks
6 Kg cans


Acrylic-resin-based fixing agent for asphalt mix. Improves the cohesion of substrates and creates a point of adherence between the coatings of the FL system. 0.2 Kg per m² according to the porosity and the opening of the substrate 25 Kg casks
5 Kg cans


Solvent-based polyacrylic-resin fixing agent used for cement, concrete and plaster. Improves the cohesion of the substrates and creates a point of adherence between the coatings of the FL system. From 0.15 to 0.2 L per m² according to the porosity of the substrate 25 L casks
5 L cans


Solvent-free bicomponent epoxy resinbased coating. Barrier to liquid gases. Improves the mechanical strength and the chemical resistance of the substrates. Resists abrasion and immersion.
Colours : White, Ivory, Concrete Grey, Light Grey, Dark Blue, Swimming Pool Blue, Sand Yellow, Brick red, Grass Green, Light Green, Buff (Other colours on request)
0.1 to 0.2 Kg per m² per coat depending on the nature and condition of the substrate 20 Kg - 5 Kg - 1 Kg Kits (resin + hardener)


Fixer for epoxy surfacing. Epoxy resin, improves the cohesion of the treated
support and promotes the adherence of EVERFAST FLOXY.
0.5 to 0.25 Kg per m² 20 Kg - 5 Kg and 1 Kg Kits (resin + hardener)


Coating designed for the renovation of bitumen-coated car parks. Anti-skid,anti-kerosene, anti-dust and reinforced with silicon to increase resistance against abrasion, delays ageing and disintegration of bitumen coated substrates. Leaves a satin and closed aspect. To be diluted with water only, thereby avoiding the use of solvents (usually expensive, toxic and inflammable). Easy to use, to be applied in one or two coats. Economical price due to its excellent coverage capacity (3 to 5 m² per Kg depending on the porosity of the substrate).
Colours : Black, Grey, Green, Red
3 to 5 m² per Kg
About 0.2 to 0.3 Kg per m²
250 Kg drums
36 Kg casks
6 Kg cans


Revêtement époxy bi-composant sans solvant pour supports intérieurs horizontaux ou verticaux.
Couleur : Transparent cristal.


Revêtement époxy brillant sans solvant pour rénovation des carrelages en sols et murs.
Couleurs : Blanc, blanc ultra-brillant, bleu marine, bleu piscine, bleu France, gris anthracite, gris ardoise, gris basalte, gris béton, gris clair, ivoire, jaune sable (= beige), rouge brique, rouge, orange, jaune, taupe, vert gazon, vert pastel, noir. Autres couleurs sur demande.