This site will soon facilitate subscription to RSS or Atom feeds

What are RSS/Atom feeds and how do you use them?
An RSS or Atom feed is a daily updated resume of web content accompanied by links to the aggregated content. When you subscribe to a feed, a resume is sent to you every time the site content is updated.
You must use a feed reader to be able to subscribe to this site's feed. If you do not have a feed reader, your navigator may well display a page of incomprehensible text.

RSS or Atom ?
RSS and Atom are the two forms of existing feed. Most feed readers are compatible with these two formats. This site requires Atom 0.3 and RSS 2.0.

How to use the feeds on this website Everfast ?
To access the feeds on this site, click on the RSS or Atom links. These will enable you to receive, in the form of an RSS or Atom feed, the updates relative to the content of the page you are consulting.

Conditions of usage / Press Relations
You are authorized to integrate into your site the RSS or Atom feeds on this site to non-commercial ends, having first obtained written agreement from the site manager.
For this, please write to:

To integrate our feeds into your site, we also require you to respect the following conditions:
. to specify the origin of each article, with the source supplied in our site's feed; Everfast ;
. to include for each article a link leading to the group of articles corresponding to our site or, failing that, a single link to;
. to specify the search criteria used to generate the feed.

Failure to respect these conditions could lead to penalties as laid out in the regulations in force. We reserve the right to terminate the use of our feeds for any reason that appears justified.

It is prohibited to redistribute RSS and Atom feeds from our site without written agreement on our part.
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