Strippers, Upkeep of Concrete, Wood and Metal
Product | Definition and field of application | Consumption | Packaging |
Solvent, acid stripper. Allows the elimination of concrete, mortar, rust, particularly on work site materials, which can be soaked or brushed-on with DCP depending on the degree of soiling. Not recommended for non-ferrous metals. | 1 volume of DCP for 1 to 2 volumes of water | 294 Kg drums 40 Kg jerrycans 7 Kg cans |
Acid stripper and solvent used for the elimination of cement residue on ceramic floor tiles, for the removal of rust and dirt on work site tools. Not recommended for nonferrous metals. Leaves a layer of phosphate on treated metals. | Pure or diluted 0.1 to 0.3 Kg per m² | 250 Kg drums 34 Kg jerrycans 5.7 Kg - 2.25 Kg cans |
DP |
Instant stripper and destroyer of polystyrene | 12 to 15 L per m² | 220 L drums 30 L casks 5 L cans |
Quick acting solvent. Removes all traces of asphalt, bitumen, grease (even old stains). Used extensively in garages and building sites for the maintenance and cleansing of cars and other materials. Used on cemented substrates, in transport cisterns, fuel storage containers. | By spraying Pure or diluted with petroleum solvent up to 5 times its volume By soaking 1 L = 100 CC |
220 L drums 30 L casks 5 L - 2 L - 1 L - 0.5 L cans |
Anti-rust treatment. Inhibits corrosion and has an immediate action. Can be applied inside or outside. Substrates can be painted when dry. Colour : Black |
15 to 20 m² per L | 220 L drums 30 L jerrycans 5 L - 2 L - 1 L 0.5 L - 0.25 L cans |
EVERFAST BITUPOXY is an epoxy resin and bitumen based anti-corrosion coating. It comes in the form of a two-component kit including the resin and a solvent-free hardener. | Depending on the type of substrate, the consumption may vary from 0,30 kg to 0,60 kg/m². | Kit (resin + hardener) in 20 kg, 10 kg, 5 kg, 2,5 kg and 1 kg buckets. |
Ready-to-use emulsifying cleanser. Eliminates all oil marks on metal items. | 0.1 to 0.25 L per m² according to degree of soiling | 220 L drums 30 L jerrycans 5 L - 2 L - 1 L - 0.5 L cans |
Anti-adherence protection agent, for the protection of all work site equipment against concrete and rust. | Variable according to the desired protection time. | 220 L drums 30 L jerrycans 5 L - 2 L cans |
100% vegetable, anti-adherence ecological protection agent, for the protection of work site equipment. | Variable according to the desired protection time. | 220 L drums 30 L casks 5 L - 2 L cans |
Powerful liquid spray used as a treatment against fungi, lichen and algae. Can be sprayed on all substrates. | About 0.2 L per m² | 220 L drums 30 L jerrycans 5 L - 2 L cans 1 L sprays Doses for 1 L |
Treatment for wood. Deterrent and cure against fungus. Insect repellent. Can be sprayed, soaked or injected. Colours : Clear, Brown |
Preventive: depending on the nature and condition of the wood Spraying per Distemper : 3 to 6 L per m² Soaking : 20 to 35 L per m² Curative : depending on the nature of the wood and the type of product 0.4 L per m² |
220 L drums 30 L casks 5 L - 2 L - 1 L cans |
Treatment for wood. Large spectrum deterrent and cure against fungus. Insect repellent (including Termites). Can be sprayed, soaked or injected. Colour: Clear, Brown, |
Preventive: depending on the nature and condition of the wood Spraying per Distemper: 4 to 10 L per m² Soaking: 15 to 20 L per m² Curative: depending on the nature of the wood and the type of product 0.4 L per m² |
220 L drums 30 L casks 5 L - 2 L - 1 L cans |
Coloured lazure gel used as a preventive treatment for wood. Can be applied inside or outside Nice fragrance. Non-toxic. Colours: Dark Oak, Light Oak, Walnut, and Wild Cherry |
0.15 Kg per m² per coat according to type and the porosity of the substrate | 10 L - 4 L - 1 L cans |
Varnish sealer used for the protection and renovation of wood. Colours: Clear, Grey Green, Ochre, Pink, Blue, Red, and Brown |
First coat 120 g per m² Second coat 80 g per m² |
7.5 L Kits |
Agent de nettoyage et de décapage multi-usage très puissant. Agit directement sur les laques acryliques, grycéros, polyuréthanes, polyesters, époxy, vernis, lazures, antifouling. | ||
Agent de nettoyage et de décapage concentré multi-usage très puissant. Agit directement sur les laques acryliques, glycéros, polyuréthanes, polyesters, époxy, vernis, lazures, antifouling. | ||
Nettoyage des outils lors de l’utilisation des produits de la gamme EVERFAST EPOXY. Diluant facilitant l’application uniquement pour des applications au pistolet à peintures |
EVERFAST VERDISTOP est un liquide concentré puissant prêt à l’emploi, pulvérisable et aux propriétés fongicides et algicides, étudié pour la destruction des verdissures, des algues, des lichens et salissures diverses d'origine végétale sur les murs et les toitures par pulvérisation ou badigeonnage. EVERFAST VERDISTOP est neutre, ne contient pas de solvants et n'a donc pas d'action néfaste sur les matériaux traditionnels du bâtiment : peinture, bois, métaux, béton, pierres, terres cuites, tuiles, ardoises, ciments, fibrociment, mortiers, plâtres, revêtements bitumineux, aluminium, pvc et zinc. Son action est simplement destructive à titre préventif et curatif et ne laisse ni trace ni pellicule. |
EVERFAST STOPFONGI CONCENTRE est un liquide concentré, pulvérisable et aux propriétés fongicides et algicides, étudié pour la destruction des mousses, des algues, des lichens et salissures diverses d'origine végétale sur les murs et les toitures. Il est neutre, ne contient pas de solvants et n'a donc pas d'action néfaste sur les matériaux traditionnels du bâtiment : peinture, bois, métaux, béton, pierres, terres cuites, tuiles, ardoises, ciments, fibrociment, mortiers, plâtres, revêtements bitumineux, aluminium et zinc. Son action est simplement destructive. | ||
Décapant des bétons, dissolvant, des laitances de ciment et dégraissant de très haute performance. Préserve les matériaux et la sécurité des utilisateurs. Biodégradable. |
Détartrant puissant destiné à désagréger les traces de ciment et de chaux sur les carrelages, grès, céramiques, façades de mortier et pierres calcaires. Dissout la rouille avant remise en peinture. Détartrage des chaudières, chauffe-eau, radiateurs et des tuyauteries. |